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Location: British Columbia, Canada

Yeah. I got nothin.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Plan A
  • Don't fail law.
  • Be happy. Be very happy.
  • Use fits of happiness to motivate self to spring clean like a motherfucker.
  • Enjoy clean house.
  • Be cool, stay in school.
  • Live happily ever after, until I graduate (again) and have to get a real life.

  • Plan B
  • Fail law.
  • Don't be happy.
  • Go through roster of people I know who know people, and get a job.
  • Try to work around classes, taking eight more semesters to finish.
  • Graduate at the same time as my daughter.
  • Ditch plans to ever get my bachelors. (Any of the three.)

  • Plan C
  • Fail law.
  • Don't be happy.
  • Realize I don't know people who know people, and that I'm not qualified for shit with an associates degree.
  • Move to Surrey to cut costs and get a job waiting tables at a truck stop cafe.
  • Smoke much, much more, and drink much, much more coffee.
  • Marry a trucker and become an alcoholic.

  • Plan D
  • Quit obsessively hitting refresh button as grades won't be posted any faster that way.
  • Write a whiney and depressing post which showcases how self-pitying and overly dramatic I can be.
  • Down motherloads of coffee.
  • Chain smoke.
  • Okay, hit the refresh button just one more time.
  • Or maybe two more.

    Blogger Boo! said...

    I can help you out with plan D.

    4/15/2006 8:10 PM  
    Blogger Sherese said...

    what does that spell, pu.

    We need to have a logic in life talk. Know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, know when to ask for help!

    You gotta tell that prof, you broke a couple ribs, that you can't support the kid, on min.wage!

    Who quoted Kenny?!

    4/16/2006 12:08 AM  
    Blogger Samwick said...

    I have faith in Plan A. You, my friend, are smart, beautiful, all knowing and all powerful. The anxiety will subside and the mighty Impulsivecompulsive shall prevail.

    4/16/2006 9:05 AM  
    Blogger Samwick said...

    Feel free to e-mail me if you need any anti-anxiety excercises. In my work I have to give out lots of breathing excersise stuff, which probably sounds like it would be corny, but the Buddhists have been doing it for thousands of years, they're probably on to something.

    Either way, good luck with everything

    4/16/2006 11:29 AM  
    Blogger Impulsivecompulsive said...

    Erica: Yes you can. Well, not the whining though. I think I've got that part under control.

    Shadow: You'd be amazed how many people are quoting Kenny these days. It's a fad or something. And yeah, if my grades aren't in after the weekend, I'll email the prof with least find out my current standing.

    Matt: I can work with that description. I hope it works with my law grade.
    And yeah, I was going to thank you for the offer, but insist I'm doing just fine, then I remembered that part where I completely lack coping skills. Maybe developing some stress reduction techniques would help there now wouldn't it?
    I'll email you later, feel free to dish out anything you've got.

    4/17/2006 9:18 AM  
    Blogger Unknown said...

    I'm sure you'll do fine. I think you're worrying yourself unnecessarily. Is there any reason why you suspect that you might fail law? If there isn't then you probably passed and you should celebrate being done!

    -Socialist Swine

    4/17/2006 9:14 PM  
    Blogger Impulsivecompulsive said...

    SS: Thanks for the well wishes. I'm still gonna worry though, and I do think I have pretty valid reason. Or I could talk to my prof. Or just worry. Or talk to the prof. One or the other.

    4/18/2006 8:12 AM  
    Blogger Coping Catherine said...

    Talk to DV...I am sure he would work something out for you...he's not a bad prof

    4/18/2006 11:17 AM  
    Blogger Impulsivecompulsive said...

    Porny: Apparently that'll be a little difficult. He doesn't even log in to the system, let alone check his email. I tried loitering around his office all day, but he isn't putting in an appearance. Back to waiting/loitering.

    4/18/2006 1:36 PM  
    Blogger Coping Catherine said...

    Hmmmm...didn't see him this morning. Got off campus asap. Try calling him?

    4/18/2006 2:09 PM  

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